Local Services

It is sometimes difficult to find a reputable service provider in the local area if one does not live there full-time. As a service for our members, we have put together a list of local service providers that have been favorably mentioned by one or more of our members.

Please note that this list should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of any particular service provider over any other.


Local Activities

The below links are provided to assist you in locating local information and points of interest. If you know of a web site that you feel should be included here, please contact one of the Club Association Officers.

Please keep in mind that these sites are external to ours and may be moved or changed without notice. If you find any of the below links to be broken, please let us know!


For corrections or additions, please contact:

Tom & Julie Dawson
Fax: (231) 378-2883
Cell phone: (989) 329-6581 or 329-7131